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Notebook and pen on a wood desk.


the I+D blog

Simple ideas. Short posts. Shared here to help make your home happier.

why wait to eat cake?

Sharing a special personal post with you on my birthday. Enjoy!

Decadent lemon chiffon cake elevated on a glass pedestal

Two boiled eggs for breakfast is a birthday tradition I learned from my mom’s childhood. Growing up poor made eggs a rarity for my mom and her six siblings, so having two on your birthday really acknowledged and celebrated you on your day.

Jennifer's birthday morning tradition of eggs, cake, and a glass of bubbly

I’ve continued this tradition with my family, and a couple of years ago paired it with something fun: CAKE.

After baking my own birthday cake for well over a decade, I thought, "why wait until just before bed to eat it?". You’ve already patiently waited a whole year! It’s YOUR day, which is worth celebrating as early and for as long as possible. My kids, of course, love this order of events. They’ve both smartly requested ice cream cakes for theirs, so a double treat before 7am!

And if there ever were a time to incorporate something new and fun into your special day, 2020 is IT.

I’m so very grateful to be celebrating my birthday my happy place at home with my love, kiddos, and the tech to connect with my family and friends afar.


Jennifer's signature written in deep yellow: "jds"


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