Caring for your home is caring for yourself. When your interior environment is designed and organized in a way that serves you well, you feel good in it and do well in it and beyond.
The problem is you can’t care from an empty cup. A versatile bin or fresh coat of paint can transform the physical parts of your space. But what if the issue isn't an object or the room itself? In my experience, as a professional interior designer and home organizer, and especially as a mom and home manager, there is a deeper layer beneath our belongings that affects our ability to make effective changes in our homes.
And it's never the same for everyone.
The key is being aware of that layer. Awareness gives you a better understanding of what's happening in and around you, and how they're connected. What sensations, thoughts, or feelings does your space invoke? Sometimes it can be helpful to put yourself in the particularly challenging room, so the next time you're there, write down what goes through your mind and body.
Developing awareness takes mindful practice. We do so many things habitually that when life gets busy (always) or stressful (always), it can be easy to overlook those tiny internal whispers as nothing important. In actuality, they matter the most.
So, how do you grow your awareness?
It's again, different for everyone. For the last six years, I've explored a variety of books, podcasts, and videos that have helped me take notice of myself and when something in my space triggers an unsettling sensation. The concepts that resonated the most have been life-changing, and when something resonates with me in a significant way, I imagine it could do the same for someone you!
I hope you’ll try, explore, and gain from some of the following resources that have helped me in my house-to-home journey. While seemingly unrelated, they all invite you to notice and think about what’s happening in and around you and offer ways to use this awareness for your well-being. You'll also notice it's an eclectic media mix, and that's intentional. As humans, we take in and respond to information differently, so hopefully, one or more will click with you and provide fresh insight into how you approach your space and see the experiences unfolding in it.
Ready? Let's go.
Child Sense by Priscilla J. Dunstan. Before kids develop skills, they learn and explore through sense—touch, sight, sound, or taste/smell. What's more, each of us from infancy has one dominant sense. Identifying your child’s dominant sense helps you relate to their innate POV, enabling you to better connect and communicate your needs (e.g. putting toys away after play) in a way that makes sense for all.
The Four Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin. I've read most of her books related to happiness and human nature, and they are all thought-provoking. The Four Tendencies stands out because it helps you not only learn about your innate tendency but also how to harness the strengths of your tendency and connect in more meaningful ways with the other tendencies in your home.
The Holistic Guide to Decluttering by Michele Vig. This was the first home-organizing book I read that validated how I want to serve others in their homes. I'm not alone in this! Yesss! If my blog or IG posts speak to you, this book will, too.
The Upside of Stress by Dr. Kelly McGonigal. I just finished this book a few days ago and I'm ready to read it again. Incredibly well-written and thought-provoking. Dr. McGonigal expertly weaves science-backed research with real-life examples of how seeing the other side, the good side of stress can completely change our course of behavior, mindset, and life. Our homes are meant to catch and carry us through life's challenges, not be a source of negative stress. If we recognize the latter happening, we can practice the mindset exercises outlined in this book to redirect our thoughts and energy and find a way forward that serves us better in every way. I will absolutely be buying this book to come back to again and again. So so worth checking out!
Know Your FundaMENTALs (KYF). It's not every day that I find someone who knows the profound impact awareness has on our well-being...AND happens to live in the same town! The KYF Podcast is a grassroots initiative created and hosted by Kelly Berthold, a licensed clinical social worker and therapist in Central PA. With her passion, wit, and wealth of clinical knowledge and experience, Kelly translates mental health science into concepts and practices that are accessible, approachable, and attainable to everyone. The education KYF brings is not only essential it's empowering, so if you only explore ONE resource in this post, let THIS be it. (Follow Kelly @knowyourfundamentals)
Clean My Space. Which kid-related mess irks you most—the clothing chaos in their room or the toy dump in your living area? Identifying your most important areas or MIA removes the pressure of organizing it all because let's be honest, you have better things to do.
Pick Up Limes. While on a mission to make a nourishing plant-based lifestyle accessible to all, PUL also has insightful, research-backed videos focused on health and wellness. Host Sadia Badiei has an incredible way of speaking and inspiring you to start on your goals. No more day zeroes. Just. Go.
Yoga With Adriene. Yoga is a mindful, moving practice—an opportunity to turn inward, listen, cultivate a loving self-awareness, and let the mind-body breathe and flow. Organizing and designing your home is a mindful practice, too. How do you want your home to feel, truly? Where is it at now? What’s not working and why? When life gets loud, YWA provides space to reflect on where you are, reconnect with your goals, and open your mind to what can be.
Soaking up the sun and filling my cup of awareness.
which resource speaks to you and what spaces in your home could benefit from your newfound awareness?
Transforming your house into a home you love takes more than pretty bins or an expensive reno. I believe awareness of yourself and your space is the basis for creating a home that serves you well. Too often people miss this awareness and probably don't even know it's there to tap into. With these resources, I hope you discover a new way to see yourself, your space, and the other unique humans in it. Everything you need to shape your home is in you...sometimes a mindful prompt can be the key to trusting yourself and the process!
Let me know what great changes awareness brings you in the Comments!