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the I+D blog

Simple ideas. Short posts. Shared here to help make your home happier.

ready to get organized?

September was swift and I’m honestly glad. It feels good to firmly be in fall, the last 90 days of 2023, and I love that October’s here to kick it off with National Get Organized Week!

Organizing your space in seven days probably sounds like a tall order and it is. Fortunately, you don’t have to do it all. It’s about STARTING. Period. This is your official permission slip to go for it, small and slow. In fact, let’s remove the intimidation factor and stretch this get-organized idea out over the entire month. Are you game but feel a little guidance and accountability would help to get you going? I get it and made this one-month-only offering just for you...

get your October Organized

organized drink ware in kitchen cabinet

What can you organize in one hour? A LOT. When you schedule time for a task and guard it from distractions...It. Gets. Done. Even better, getting organized boosts your mood. You gain a sense of satisfaction and control that lifts you onward and upward. If you’re motivated to organize, but struggle with procrastination, indecision, or overwhelm, my virtual Organizing Power Hour session is for you.

1. Identify the Zone.

Pick one zone to organize in your home and start small. Think kitchen cabinet or utility ("junk") drawer. When you've picked a zone, click "Book My Hour" to secure your time with me.

2. Show+Tell.

You'll receive an email to confirm your booking. Reply with a "before" photo of your zone and tell me why it's not working. Before our hour, evaluate the items stored here. What do you really need, use, or love? Be honest. Only you know and get to choose what's essential.

3. Get Organized.

At your scheduled time, we'll meet on Zoom for a one-hour live video call. We'll talk and tackle as much as possible, and if you already took your items through the "need-use-love" test, we can implement solutions right away.

4. Power Debrief.

Within 48 hours, I'll email you a debrief of our call so you can stay on top of your problem zone and reuse the tips in other areas of your home!

5. Celebrate YOU.

Take a moment to savor the happiness boost you earned from taking control of your space. Snap "after" photographs to capture your progress and send them to me so others can be motivated by your amazing win!

*Organization Power Hour is priced at $59 through October 31, 2023.

Are you in?

Remember, ​you don't have to get it all done. Simply starting is key. And I'm here to help.

what one area in your home, if organized, would positively change your everyday life?

Seeing a mess adds STRESS. It prevents you from relaxing, distracts you from the present, and reminds you all too often that work is never done. One hour with me now, organizing one area of your home means HOURS of time and energy saved later. And you deserve those hours to feel good and live life well.

Let's do this!


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