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Notebook and pen on a wood desk.


the I+D blog

Simple ideas. Short posts. Shared here to help make your home happier.

our patio design progress

Slowly but surely, design visions do come together. Let's first go back six years...

Summer holds a special place for our family. On this July weekend in 2017, we moved into our first home. It was hot, I was 7 months pregnant (see right for my bigger-than-a-watermelon belly) with a toddler, and our furniture wasn’t joining us for another week. We promptly purchased a few inexpensive Adirondack chairs and used them well for the next five summers.

Our dream has been to create a comfortable outdoor living space, but we intentionally didn’t rush it. Summer in a four-season town, after all, means enjoying the patio for only one-third of the year. Instead, we took our time figuring out what we wanted this space to be and what would work well for our family. We added one piece here and there until a couple of the original chairs broke down last summer and, honestly, my back needed more support (I have arthritis in my sacroiliac joint, so sturdy seating is now a must!).

bare bones patio design with resin chairs and picnic table
Our work-in-progress patio functioned for what we needed but lacked a sense of togetherness.

So, after starting with resin chairs and a sand table, our patio setup has come a long way. In 2018, my love built a picnic table (awesome for kiddos), which we restained a lighter gray in 2021. The tribal rug followed and was much needed. Just like indoors, the rug anchored the resin chairs into a defined lounge zone while visually distinguishing it from the picnic eating area. If you're looking for ONE thing to bring a space together, rugs are room-changers!

We snagged the fire pit at a ridiculous end-of-summer deal (@Target), and now...

We've finally added real, sturdy, timeless furniture to our outdoor space...with some trial and error on the space planning, of course!

patio design with metal and teal furniture set

Comfortable, inviting, and just our style. Six summers in the making, our patio design has made serious progress. Worth doing it slowly. And feels so good to be home.❤️

what does your dream patio design look like?

My love is already talking about a grill gazebo, sooo I guess you'll have to stay tuned! Until then, share your dream patio design with me in the Comments below, and if you don't have one yet, make some time to dream of what it could be. Anything's possible.



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