How is it October!? Seriously! Ready or not, we are in the last 90 days of the year and I'm curious...
what PROGRESS have you made in your home?
It's totally okay if you haven't...yet. I'm here to hear you out and support YOU wherever you're at. Maybe it's timing. Maybe it's money. Or maybe it's deciding what the first step is. I've definitely been in all three of those situations with my home this year, and the latter was the biggest hurdle for me to jump over. If that's you, too, and you still want to improve your home before the year ends, start by completing this statement:
if I could make ONE thing better in my home this year it would be __________.
The messy mudroom?
The junk drawer?
The family room that's become an extension of the dedicated playroom you already made? (so been there)
Whatever you wrote down. GO. FOR. IT. If it's a room, tackle a corner. Invite a friend, partner, or kiddo to help. Every small change you make is a big, positive step towards BETTER. And once you start, you won't want to stop.
I promise it's going to feel so good once you do.
Start with a shelf.
Or go for that drawer.
Don't worry about getting it all done at once, and don't you dare let perfection in on the fun. Finding what feels right and works for you is what this process of building a home you love is all about.
You've got this and, remember, you're doing this FOR YOU.
Let me know in the Comments what your ONE thing is and update me when you complete it. We can do a lot in 90 days, so here's to starting small now and celebrating all our wins before the new year rings!