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Notebook and pen on a wood desk.


the I+D blog

Simple ideas. Short posts. Shared here to help make your home happier.

get your post-holiday home in order with minimal effort

Raise your hand if your holiday decor is still up. I kinda wish ours was, but I do love the clean slate feel you get after putting it all away.

Now, what about your holiday haul? Found a place for everything or still have gift piles and wrapping remnants scattered about? If that’s you, you’re not alone and I’ve got two low to no-effort ways to get your stuff and space back in working order.

1. ditch the packaging

You got the new thing. Now it's time to enjoy it. Once you’re sure you won’t be returning or making an exchange, recycle as much of the packaging material as you can and toss the rest. This is especially key for kids' toys and crafts, which sometimes come in containers 2-3 times the item’s actual size. Not only will you be removing unnecessary bulk from your space, but you’ll also be left with just the things you and your kiddo(s) wanted to have and be reminded that it’s there because nothing is covering it up.

2. don’t delay, put it away

After you’ve widdled down your loot to just the goodies, decide where it’s going to live based on how you’re going to use it...and do it right away. Not later. Right. Now.

When we put it off, we forget or, worse, it weighs on our minds. It may not be at the forefront, but it’s there and it’s a distraction. It's like an alert that pops up and gives you that nagging, “Ugh, I need to deal with that” reminder every time you pass it by. You deserve to move on! And by doing it now, you’re gifting yourself peace of mind and the freedom to simply enjoy the new.

**bonus post-holiday tip**

These tips sound super simple and they are. Totally doable. No experience required. So if you want to claim back your pre-holiday space but can’t get going or feel like 2022 is already A LOT (winter, back to school, WFH, that dang virus that won’t die), start by taking a breath and telling yourself, “I‘m okay.

You are okay.

You’ve got this.

Your home is all about what feels good and what works for you in the season and situation YOU are in.

inhale the future, exhale the past

Last year I recommended 3 mind shifts to make before tackling a design or organization project in your home, but they apply to more than just your space. A new year is a perfect time to reframe your thoughts and give you a fresh perspective on what's possible in the chapter ahead. If you're curious or want to reread that post, check it out here.

And let me know in the Comments if this resonates with you and what you'd love to read more about.

This blog is a voice for sharing tips, tools, and first-hand experiences, so if you have design/organizing questions or ideas you want to learn more about, leave a note below or send me an inquiry here. I hope to hear from you! Until next time, remember to take a’re doing great.




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