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the I+D blog

Simple ideas. Short posts. Shared here to help make your home happier.

how to put paper (and more) in order for kids

School days are here! New routines have begun. I love this time of year but find myself bracing for all the new “stuff” about to enter our home. From preschool masterpieces to grade 1 writing and math, it all amounts to a ton of PAPER.

If my girls had their way, we’d be drowning in tree pulp. They’re really imaginative with what they draw and all the games they come up with using their paper creations. But it all adds up, quickly and everywhere, and I know from hanging onto my own childhood work (for years!) how hard it becomes to let go the longer you hold on. And that goes for way more than paper.

So what do I do to keep my kiddos’ paper et al. in check? Like organizing anything else, it starts with mindset. When their paper fun turns crazy, I encourage (okay, tell) them to keep their faves and assure them it’s okay to say goodbye to the rest. Letting go leaves room for new creative endeavors, which is really what brings them the most joy. Once they’ve chosen their keeps, we group and contain like themes so it makes sense for them to find, play with, and return.

This process is what my first grader and I spent time doing just before school started. In addition to paper, we went through clothing, stuffed animals, books, and kindergarten. We focused on one category a day and typically spent 1-2 hours on each (paper took longer…4 hours!).

I was pleasantly surprised by how participatory my girl was throughout. She tried on every piece of clothing, helped sort/pare down her stuffies and books, and said goodbye to 99% of her kindergarten work. I was especially impressed by how she stuck with me through the paper purge and loved learning the amazing games she and her sister play using the paper crafts, from superheroes to restaurant and magic.

With each category, I gave her options for how to give her things in order and we set each one up to work for her using what we had on hand.

  • Paper / Empty tissue boxes, gift bags, and shoe boxes are your BFF in the kid paper arena. No sense investing in storage products for items your kid will soon be over once they've invented a new better game.

  • Clothes / I can't blame my girl for not wanting to fold clothes (who does?), but it's still a skill to know. The solution? Keep easy-to-fold pants, shorts, and pj's in drawers, while awkward tops and sweaters hang out on hangers. She voted to organize them by color, which is really the simplest way for anyone to find what they want to wear AND put it back when not in use.

  • Stuffies / A couple of newly empty rope bins (from another home purge!) saved her favourite little friends from getting lost down in the big stuffies bin.

  • Books / We divided her bookcase so she could display photos and special crafts up top and access all the books she loves to read down below.

  • Kindergarten / The one drawer in her bookcase has been dedicated to school stuff. She saved a couple of K pieces, but most of the drawer is empty and ready to welcome what's to come in grade one!

Full transparency, as always. This. Was. WORK. But it was work worth starting with my girl. I don't expect perfection, cause that's not real. It's a work in progress like organizing ANY space and I'm excited to be with her along the way.

how are you prepping for back to school and/or the new season ahead?

I love fall, but I'm hanging on to every bit of summer that's lingering on! I'd love to read how you're transitioning, and hope you make time to take time for you in these last few weeks of sun!



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