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the I+D blog

Simple ideas. Short posts. Shared here to help make your home happier.

happy-er holiday / part 2

Hopefully, you've had a chance to top up your glass, let good be enough, and invite some joy into your everyday. If you're new here, check out last week's post with the phrases to help put YOU first this holiday.

Today's phrases focus on HOME and how to make the physical space around you a haven during this ever-hectic season.

4. less decor is more

Douglas fir tree with minimal red gold decor and bumble blue blanket skirt

I fully appreciate those who love to go full-out with holiday decorating. If I had all the money, I might go for it too! I love the magical feeling that comes when you deck the halls. But I don’t have the funds, time, or energy to pull it off. We’ve been in our home for three years, so our Christmas collection is pretty small. But it’s intentionally that way. Each item we display has a meaning and purpose that gives us more in return. More time to enjoy the season. More appreciation for what we have. And more fond memories to build around each special piece. When you decorate your space, think about how YOU want it to feel, and how much effort is worth spending (before and after) to achieve it.

5. embrace the mess

I cannot wake up to a messy space. I’ve tried leaving dirty dishes overnight, but it just causes more stress than the time it takes to wash them. And come December 25th, I know it’s going to be more than the daily disarray. BUT it’s temporary, and I’m looking at the inevitable as a blessing and an opportunity to create better order.

When you want to organize anything, you need to start with a mess.

Since the kids will happily help by taking everything out, let their efforts be permission to peruse their loot.

Have your kids outgrown any toys? Is anything broken, missing pieces, or worn from being well-loved? Can forgotten toys be shifted around to get more play? I moved my girls' trucks from a knitted basket to a clear bin and...immediate interest! Clear bins make it easier for them to spot what they want AND put it away in the same place afterward. Win-win!

Consider swapping out old toys for new ones and changing up the storage arrangement to work better for everyone. If visual inspiration gets you going, check out this fun playroom episode of “Master the Mess” with The Home Edit.

6. room for recess

Remember recess? That regularly scheduled break in school. We need it back! And the challenge isn’t finding time, it’s not putting it on the calendar and making it part of your routine.

We’re all hunkering down at home again, so it’s an ideal time to not only schedule a regular recess but to carve out a go-to spot in your home where you can retreat. Maybe cozy up an armchair in your bedroom to read in. Plan a nightly shower or soak in your tub and listen to a meditation. Wherever feels good for a minimum 30-minute time out. Use what you have, where you are, and let your HOME take care of you.

* love and I are working on a little surprise nook for our daughter's upcoming birthday. Check back here to see how her DIY recess space turned out!

which of the six phrases speaks to you?

I’d love to hear what you’re going to adopt to make this holiday calm, cozy, and happier at home.

Drop me a comment below!


Jennifer's signature written in deep yellow: "jds"


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