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the I+D blog

Simple ideas. Short posts. Shared here to help make your home happier.

happy-er holiday / part 1

The craziest season of the craziest year is upon us, and it‘s sure to be like no other. While you can’t control much out there, you can take charge of where you’ll be spending most of your time—at home.

And home starts with YOU.

Today I’m sharing three phrases to hopefully help calm even a smidge of your inner holiday stress. Next Sunday, I'll share three more to help you embrace the physical chaos at home. I hope you find one or more that resonates or inspires you to share with someone you know.

1. fill MY cup first

Upcycled glass jars and product boxes give stationary supplies a home in kitchen drawer

Every morning, I literally fill my water bottle first as a daily reminder that nothing and no one will get taken care of well if I fill up second. Part of this self-care is also knowing AND doing what calms you when overwhelm takes over. Brisk walk outside. Listening to your favourite playlist or podcast (I’m loving The Mom Hour). Or my go-to, organizing something! It’s super satisfying to de-junk a drawer. Pick a small area, set a timer, and go to it. You’ll feel in control immediately and perk up every time you see that space.

2. good enough

As a serial perfectionist, I’m really working on this one. Sans-pandemic, I would have hosted our annual holiday mingle + cookie exchange party today. I’d be stressing about silly details only meaningful to me, and lose sight of what actually matters — everyone enjoying this special time together. The reality is I’ll never host the perfect party. Or find the perfect gift. And things will habitually not go as planned. And that’s okay. Some of the most memorable moments come out of events gone awry! It’s great to strive for better, but letting perfection take over will rob you of experiencing the moment when you're in it. Give yourself the gift of grace and know you ARE doing a great job no matter the outcome. Good enough IS good.

3. choose JOY

In my little foursome, my youngest is routinely joyful. She wakes up singing, has the funniest one-liners, and is always ready with a hug. I tell everyone she truly lives into her middle name — JOY.

I was never like her growing up, but in the last few years, I’ve learned a lot about myself and this little truth — the only person who can make me happy is me. I can choose to act the way I want to feel. This isn’t easy by any means and requires more effort as an adult. But my girl inspires me to choose a happier thought when I’m grumpy or practice gratitude for something small when anxiety is high.

And it has made me FEEL and BE better.

If you need this, try turning inward to find what tiny tweak in your day brings you a little dose of joy. It’s not an overnight fix, but practicing joy a bit each day will help it become a happiness habit.

have a personal mantra for this holiday season?

Spread some joy by sharing yours in the comments below.


Jennifer's signature written in deep yellow: "jds"


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