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Notebook and pen on a wood desk.


the I+D blog

Simple ideas. Short posts. Shared here to help make your home happier.

hold space for the hard

A personal note.

A sympathy card, with writing: "Big Hug"

It’s been an emotionally rough couple of weeks. In my experience with hard times, specifically illness and grief, it’s easy to adopt a scarcity mindset around life — how fleeting it truly is and wondering what I can do to make the most of mine.

There isn’t a universal answer, but keeping open space to feel how I feel is my first step. Leaning into healthy habits that give me some semblance of control is my second. You can understand now from my last post how having my morning ritual has been critical for this time. That and reorganizing literally anything in my home have been positive distractions with residual benefits.

Right now, life feels more upside down than 2020. It has changed without warning and will never be the same going forward. But there is still a forward to go, and as hard as this moment is, there will be better to come.

I hope you’re doing well, and making much-deserved space and time for you.


Jennifer's signature written in deep yellow: "jds"


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