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Notebook and pen on a wood desk.


the I+D blog

Simple ideas. Short posts. Shared here to help make your home happier.

celebrate ALL your wins

Happy 2021!

With the holidays over and a new (read better) year ahead, it’s a great time to reflect on what came out of your 2020.

Specifically, what changes did you make at home that bettered your year? Did you clear some clutter? Organize a drawer, closet, or room? Reinvent a space to accommodate the work/school-from-home life? Or did you simplify or even let go of a routine to help fit in all the things (self-care, family, work, school, etc.) at home?

Whether you made tiny tweaks or big strides, any and all of it deserves to be celebrated. One of my personal takeaways from last year is to toast the smallest of wins regularly. It’s natural to wait for “when I accomplish ‘X’”, but there are no guarantees beyond right now. And when you recognize and give praise to the little victories, it sparks a momentum in you to keep going.

So starting in 2021, I will have a bottle of bubbly chilling in my fridge at all times (see the foil peeking in the back?) be savored EVERY month in celebration of whatever small wins were had. No more waiting for milestones or special occasions. Every win counts, and when you think about it, the smallest wins that make the biggest impact in your everyday life are those made at home.

what home WIN sticks out in your mind?

and what has it prompted you to continue doing?

I’d love to read about it and congratulate you, so please share in the comments below!

And please say you’ll join me in my monthly ritual! Start or end your month by acknowledging YOURSELF and sharing what you did so we can all feel inspired.



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