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Notebook and pen on a wood desk.


the I+D blog

Simple ideas. Short posts. Shared here to help make your home happier.

a toast to you!

A personal note.

When's the last time you celebrated you? It's definitely been a while for me.

The first quarter of 2024 felt like a mixed bag of struggles....mentally, physically, and emotionally. Surviving was the goal. Yet I know there were some incredible wins, too.

Professionally, I gained my first (and second!) client through Instagram, which feels unbelievable. I know firsthand how hard it is to ask for help and over the past several months, I've worked really hard to engage with fellow mamas in my community, letting them know how deserving they are to have a comfortable home that serves their everyday needs and life. It's what I believe is true for everyone. Reaching parents, especially moms, through social media has been my dream, so to have the opportunity to connect and play a part in a young family's home happiness is amazing. It's such a boost for me and the purpose I feel called to fulfill.

Personally, my husband was also officially granted tenure! Anyone in academia can appreciate how demanding and stressful the tenure-track is. My husband's journey was exceptionally hard, with so many unexpected obstacles. And now he, so deservingly, is on the other side. When we celebrated with his colleagues yesterday, everyone was congratulating him and me! I didn't expect it, though it kinda felt right. In different ways, we've both been on this tenure-track. It's tested us as partners and as individuals, and through every obstacle, we've come out stronger and connected in a way you'll only know if you're, well, us. Achieving this milestone is still sinking in because it's huge and means so much for our family and future. We are so grateful and relieved to experience this moment together...the celebration is just beginning!

glass of rose prosecco

Toast YOU and your wins in a way that speaks to you.

Today happens to be Mother's Day, which is a beautiful occasion to celebrate, too. But acknowledging someone, including yourself, doesn't only have to happen because the calendar tells you it's time. Every win is worth toasting, no matter how small or insignificant it seems. And recognizing your wins doesn't have to be lavish. It just has to feel good and luxurious to you. It all matters and contributes to your wellbeing. It's what catapults you from surviving to thriving, which is a pretty awesome place to be. So, with all that said,

how do you plan to celebrate YOU this week?

Maybe a quiet hour of reading or yoga. Or a coffee or cocktail outing with a close friend. I'm overdue for a toast, and am happily sipping that ↑ flute of bubbly as I type! Whatever you do, make time for yourself, friend, because holiday or not, it's the most important thing you can do for you.

With gratitude, always,

P.S. To all the amazing mamas in my life and in the world, Happy Mother's 'day! Motherhood is a constant experience, always surprising in hard yet transformative ways. May you find love and calm in all it's moments, and know you're not alone. Motherhood is all of us, together.


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