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the I+D blog

Simple ideas. Short posts. Shared here to help make your home happier.

3 mind shifts to help realize your dream home

Are you living in your dream home? Or do you have an image of what you want in your mind?

While it’s fun to imagine, you may feel overwhelmed pondering "the how" to make it happen or even disheartened thinking the when is realistically a few (or ten) years away.

But if last year taught us anything it’s that "the when" is today. You deserve to be in a space you love, and waiting for "someday maybe" doesn’t serve you (it actually creates stress).

As for "the how" it doesn’t have to be the overwhelm or investment you fear....if you make these 3 mind shifts first:

1. start small

Organized baking utensil drawer.

Starting small is key. And by small I mean a single drawer or cabinet that you can address in minutes. Why? Because small wins are magic momentum when it comes to designing and organizing your home...especially if you’ve yet to start!

Once you conquer a drawer, you’ll feel a rush of glee that comes back every time you open it (to use or admire) and inspires you to take on another. And another. And another, until you find yourself wanting to go bigger.

That’s the magic.

2. dream “in season”

It’s easy to get swept up by all the gorgeous imagery media puts out there for home interiors. But how do any of those spaces work? Remember, your home is where your days start and end, and may presently double or triple as work and school space.

Your home needs to work for the season you’re currently in.

Put function before fancy in your mind and focus your dreams on the present day. What daily activity or routine sets the tone for you? Where in your home does it take place? What organizational tweaks could be made there to make it run smoother (and more enjoyably)? Do all the interior elements (furnishings, color, decor, lighting, layout, etc.) both serve AND aesthetically please you?

Maybe your bathroom counter deserves attention to get your morning off right. Or your mudroom needs a kid-friendly system to keep it tidy and ready for the next outing.

Whatever the space, determine the main functional challenge and solve for it first. Aesthetics can come later once you like and are sure your solutions work.

3. it’s a process (not a perfect)

Hopefully the above has you perusing your space with fresh eyes. As you do, please remember you and your home are on a journey.

Good design is a process that gets better with practice. And the goal isn’t perfect.

When this blog began, its purpose was to provide simple, practical, and affordable ways to help YOU through this process and make your home a place you’re truly happy in. In the next series of posts, I’m going to share my approach to making typical home spaces work, look, and feel good for the season we mamas are in.

Not perfectly, but practically.

So come along, try suggestions, and take what works for you. I’d be so honored if you joined me on this journey and would love to know...

what space do you want to tackle MOST in your home?

The new improved Comment section (no login required!) is ready for your responses at the bottom of this page. Can’t wait to read yours!



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