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Distressed wood dresser styled by ome interior design and organizing coach, Jennifer D. Sutton


your home journey together


contact me

Reaching out is your first step to positively changing your home and life. Before you do, please read the FAQs below. Your question may be answered there!

Thanks for reaching out!

Jennifer smiling with chin resting in hand on propped elbow
Acacia bench, brushed iron hooks, and round black-rimmed mirror keep entryway organized and welcoming for front door guests.


what's your Q?

You're curious and eager but have questions. I want you to feel informed upfront before we chat. Read my responses to your General and Service-specific FAQs to learn more.

  • How do I contact you?
    To contact me: 1. Send a note using the contact form HERE. 2. Book your free call HERE.
  • Can design and organization help me?
    Yes. Yes. YES. Your home supports you EVERY day. Morning rituals, bedtime routines, and for all of life’s basics (hygiene, laundry, homework, meal prep, etc.). PLUS it’s your space to relax, recharge, and really experience family life. Design and organization bring intentional place and order to your home. You know where things are. You easily flow through your space. And your focus shifts from what's where to who's there. Design and organization will positively change how you feel at home, and in turn, how you choose to feel, be, and live outside of it. If you're unhappy with your home or feel stuck in the familiar, book a free call to find out if this change is what you need.
  • Do you work with clients outside of your local area?
    Yes! I have worked with clients virtually in both the United States and Canada. Please submit an inquiry if you're interested in virtual services.
  • Do you offer purchasing services?
    At this time, I do not offer purchasing of interior products, including but not limited to furniture, lighting, decor, artwork, window treatments, rugs, storage solutions, or organization systems. Upon request, after your Home Organizing or Design Plan session, I can create a recommended source list for products that meet your needs and style. This list includes links to specific products available through national retailers, making it easy for you to purchase on your own whenever you want. See my Design Board+Source List offering here.
  • What's your style?
    My personal style is simple, cozy, clean, and lived in. I prefer function and efficiency over fancy aesthetics, and any decor I do style with is purposeful to my present or reflects my life experiences. There are SO many styles and trends out there, plus quizzes galore telling you which style is your 'perfect' match. The answer may give you some direction, but don't limit yourself to a label. Your space is yours and its style will evolve as you do. You'll know you've landed on it when it feels good, right, and meaningful to you.
  • I'm not an organized person. Will your Organizing Services help me?
    Yes! Organizing is a process. And booking a free call means you're on the right track. My goal is for you to get clear on why you want to get organized (less stress? clear clutter? time freedom?) and decide if you are ready to learn simple skills to get you there. If so, the personalized Home Organizing Plan gives you doable steps to practice those skills on your own. For visual learners and additional accountability, we can work side-by-side in as few or as many In-Home Organizing sessions you need to feel confident in your new practice!
  • How do I get started with Organizing Services?
    To ensure a successful organizing experience, put yourself in the least organized area of your home. Write down what's not working, what you wish it could be, and how the space makes you feel. Then move to the most organized area and write down what works well and how that space makes you feel. If you felt a shift (tense to calm) and want to create more of the latter, book a free call to start your organizing journey.
  • Do I need to be involved in the In-Home Organizing session?
    Your time is valuable, and while you've determined getting organized to be essential, participating in the entire process may not be feasible for you. At minimum, you will need to be present at the start of an in-home organizing session to discuss needs and expectations, and to determine what to keep, relocate, or let go of. Once we've agreed on a plan of action, I can sort, group, and organize on my own, then walk you through when the process is complete. If you're able and want to be involved, YAY! Being part of the process gives you hands-on practice and the opportunity to ask me questions as we go. This is the best way to learn effective organizing skills that you can retain and transfer to other areas of your home.
  • What is the cost of your Organizing Services?
    Here's my transparent breakdown pricing for Organizing Services: Free Call. Complimentary 20-minute phone call. Home Organizing Plan. $199, includes a review of before photos, a 2-hour in-person assessment session, and your personalized plan (PDF). This is an opportunity for us to meet, get a more accurate look at your needs, and determine whether we are a good fit for your project. There is no obligation to hire me following the assessment. If you want to continue organizing with me, $50 from the assessment fee will be applied towards your Initial Organizing Session (see below). In-Home Organizing. With your home organizing plan, you have the freedom and flexibility to decide how much hands-on help you want. After an initial in-home organizing session, continued help is available to you hourly or as prepaid packages for multiple sessions or full-home organizing: Initial Organizing Session. One room, 4 hours, $249 (after credit) Continued Help Sessions. Hourly, $75/hour Prepaid Packages (discounted rate) 8 hours — $570 (save 5%) 16 hours — $1,080 (save 10%) 24 hours — $1,530 (save 15%) *To maximize productivity and minimize decision fatigue, all In-Home Organizing sessions are scheduled in 4-hour blocks.
  • Coaching vs. Full-Service Interior Design. What’s the difference?
    Both approaches have the same goal — create a functional, personalized space you love to live in. The difference is in the PROCESS each service takes to get you there. Full-service interior design involves an interior designer or design team managing your entire project from initial concept to final installation. This service is ideal if you want to fully transform and furnish a particular space in your home, you want an expert taking care of all the details (i.e. space planning, drawings, finishes and furniture, purchasing, working with contractor, overseeing installation, and more), you’re open and decisive when it comes to approving recommended selections, AND you’re ready for the financial investment. Coaching interior design is typically a one-time no-commitment consultation to discuss how you live in your home, identify problem areas (functional and aesthetic), and develop solutions you can implement at your own pace. Coaching is ideal if you have want from your space and what you already own, you’re ready to take action to make change happen, you’re willing to accept guidance, AND you’re ready to invest in YOURSELF. Knowing yourself and how much you’re willing to relinquish or put in will help you determine which process is right for you and your project. To learn more, read my related blog post here.
  • How do I get started with Design Services?
    To ensure a successful design experience, I recommend first gathering 3-5 items you love in your home. Inspirational photos or a Pinterest board are helpful, too. What about them speaks to you? What common emotions come up? This insight will help guide the direction of your home design plan, and it's a valuable conversation starter for our free call.
  • What is the cost of your Design Services?
    Here's my transparent pricing for Design Services: Free Call. Complimentary 20-minute phone call. Home Design Guide. $199, includes review of before photos, up to 2-hour in-person session, and written plan. Additional time required during in-person session is $30 per half hour. In-Home Styling. $59 per hour. One room is styled at a time. Styling time varies with the size and scope of the room selected. Space Planning. Virtual, $75 per hour. Production time varies with the size and scope of the room(s) selected. Design Board+Source List. Virtual, $75 per hour. Production time varies with the size and scope of the room(s) selected.
  • Will I need to purchase anything?
    As with all my services, your refresh starts with what you already own. It's a common urge to want to buy new things, such as furniture, decor, storage containers, etc., but you probably don't need more stuff to make your space work for you. If you do, I can make product recommendations based on what you're missing or looking for. See my virtual Design Board+Source List offering here.


let's connect...

...and embrace the house-to-home journey together! Follow me @iplusdpa and subscribe to receive blog updates and personal notes from me to you.

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